Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spot the difference

09 04 12

Right before we get the car for our five hour journey home, my co-pilots mother whips a freshly baked bacon & egg pie out of the oven for him. It's gonna be a long ride home.

5+ hours later, I'm home. I wander into the bathroom and make the awful mistake of checking myself out.

I was one of those blessed teenagers who never suffered a spot in highschool. As an adult, I've had the odd break-out but nothing like what's happening at the moment. My skin has never looked so awful.

Yes, I'm aware this isn't the clearest of photos, but who really wants to look at a crisp clean image of someone's spotty skin? So, I thought it safer to just number them off and spare you the grossness. (Jeez Hollie. Ego much? ;)

This a very new for me. Good thing I don't have to look at myself. I was warned about it, but my skin just feels so unclean. I've been using the same face wash as I usually do, but my skin is insisting of being a greasy mess.

I haven't been a teenager for well over a decade, but I don't remember being this tired, grumpy, and spotty when I was. (Well, Mum might disagree on the grumpy part)

At least the man of the house is coping with me. Mind you he's still consuming all the good stuff.

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