Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Day

01 04 12 - Day One.

What the cuss am I meant to brush my teeth with? If ever you NEED to brush your teeth, it's the morning after a night out. I woke up without feeling any effects of last night shenanigans - which is lucky as my usual remedy is to take painkillers that contain animal products. But honestly, I'd rather suffer the dreaded dehydration headache than have furry teeth!

What's more, I've chosen to begin this quest on a Sunday. The health food shop isn't open. I know, I know. First world problems, right? Nevermind. I've got more pressing issues.

This is what our fridge currently looks like.

I LOVE cheese. On average I eat about 40 grams a day.

I wonder what I'll find to be my cheese substitute. Calcium is one of my prime vegan concerns, and as I'm not a fan of soy milk, I'm going to have to put some thought into my options (Like I said, clueless without animal products!)

Also on my list on concerns: Iron. I am determined not to become one of those wimpy vegan waifs who doesn't take their health seriously and becomes malnourished.

A couple of easy to find websites with lists of vegan friendly food are of immediate help. The Vegan Society page is very useful. The relief I feel when I see Marmite on the "safe" list is tempered only by the lack of any toothpaste listings.

After failing to figure out whether or not any of the toothpaste at the supermarket is safe for me to put in my mouth (I also had to pick up some salami for the man of the house), it's off to the first social outing of the meatless month.

Turns out any anxiety I had about food dodging is quickly relieved. I've hit the jackpot. It's day one and I've stumbled into a BBQ featuring vegan pizza bases, my choice of vegetarian toppings, and hosts who are more than willing to impart all sorts of helpful information.

I'm now a vegan armed with a little bit of knowledge. How dangerous can that be?

For now, it's off home to brush my teeth my baking soda. I'm sure that's going to be delightful.

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