Monday, April 23, 2012

Clean out.

14 04 12

Two weeks in and I'm beginning to get over the grumpy.  That might be because despite my best efforts at a quite evening in, Friday night ended up being a bit of a blow-out. I thought last nights cheese ignoring efforts were something to be proud of, but tonight I sat at a table with perfectly cooked steak.

To compensate, I ate a bottle of wine. It was great.

Strangely enough, and much to the annoyance of people around me, often after a big night out I feel amazing the next day. It's like my whole body has been cleaned out and everything is crisp and clear. It's just what I needed. I was making for some pretty bleak company till then.

And speaking of things that are being cleaned out - Here's a refrigerator update:

There's still a lot of cheese (What was I gonna do? Throw it out? Pfft! That stuff keeps for MONTHS!)

As you can see, I'm not fibbing about the soy addition. The tomato juice is an old favourite, so that's nothing new; and yes - that is a bag of mung beans you can see.  I know. Fascinating, right? Those are free-range eggs too.

What a hippie.

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