Monday, April 30, 2012


29 04 12

No post for yesterday. Rather than spend Saturday watching sports and pulling weeds, I went in to work. I thought this would be a good way to forget about being blue and concentrate on getting a job done.

It was good to give my brain a break but by the time I got home, physically I was feeling a bit off. I tried to unwind but I had a tight feeling in my stomach, which kept me awake for most of the night. When I woke up today a familiar and unwelcome feeling had arrived (And no, I'm not talking about Derek Rose injuring himself again, although that doesn't help!)

 I'm quite proud of the fact that I don't get sick. I've never had the flu and have only had one cold in the past decade. I gloat about it too - to the point where I'm sure karma is going to serve me a big one any day now.

The feeling I have now is akin to the one ailment I have experienced a couple of times in my life (and which almost killed me as a child). Gastroenteritis. There are a few unpleasant side effects to gastro, which I don't think I need to detail here. The worst side effect for me, however, is that when you have gastro - you can't eat ANYTHING.

Two sleeps left and the potential of not eating anything at all on go date is just ridiculous. Even more ridiculous is the idea that gastro is usually associated with poorly prepared meat products.

Oh the irony.

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