Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lechery! I defy lechery!

22 04 12

I've given up on soy milk. After being open for a few days it starts to get these horrible, slimy, lumps in it. The cows milk in the fridge happily sits there for a couple of weeks before this tries to happen (it rarely gets the chance to sit in the fridge for more than a week though)

Eight days to go and I haven't quit my one-can-a-day habit, but lethargy is well and truly settling in. It's probably due to all the carbs I've been eating.

Maybe I should join these guys. Fit, motivated and defying the energy expectations people believe vegans to have.

However, as I'm not going to be running a marathon in the next 8 days, I think I'll give it a miss.

On the upside, it's nice to find positive vegan articles that focus on the positives and aren't hipster celeb-riddled garb, being preachy about hurting animals (I'm looking at you, PETA)

ps If you're wondering why the title of this post is familiar, it's a line from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.

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