Thursday, April 5, 2012


04 04 12

My vegan toothpaste tastes like aniseed and leaves pasty muck in my mouth.

Today I tried the dreaded soy milk.

The colour is off-putting (coincidentally, it's the same colour as my toothpaste) and being a product that doesn't technically require refrigeration, it's sold off the shelf at room temperature.

Trust me - it NEEDS refrigeration.

Soy milk tastes like milk that's been poured over Weetbix and left to steep for a while before being poured into a glass. It's also a lot sweeter than I thought & has a slight vanilla flavour. It's not good (it's So Good! ha ha ha) but it'll do.

Tomorrow should be interesting. I'm off to a dairy farm for Easter. I predict I'll be sleeping outside.

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