Saturday, April 7, 2012

All That Jazz

07 04 12

Today we head to the jazz festival in Tauranga. This means I'll be facing my first cafe experience as a vegan.

We arrive knowing it's going to be a case of getting in where we can. It's a pretty popular weekend for Tauranga. There are bouncy castles, street performers, and Jazz & Blues bands everywhere. I'm here entirely by chance as I had no idea this was on, and now I'm a little bit gutted. Keb Mo is playing and I'd have loved to see him. Never mind. It's a great day (my mood has slightly improved - YAY!) and there's enough talent playing the free street stages to keep us entertained.

We find some room in a nice looking Italian place. The menu doesn't show signs of anything even remotely vegan. It doesn't even have a vegetarian option. I attempt to ask for pasta with just sauce. I am looked at oddly. With his wonderful Italian accent the waiter explains that, Yes the pasta is egg free, No you can't have just sauce as everything is pre-made today to cope with the volume of people; and all the sauces feature animals.

I catch myself scowling and feel a moment of outrage that they don't cater to people like me. Then I start laughing. After all, it was to be expected, and I only have to suffer this for a month.

Yes, ONE month. There are no signs yet that I would adopt this as a permanent way to live, and todays mealtime misfortune only serves to re-enforce my love of an omnivores diet.

On the upside, the bottle of sauvignon which accompanies my plate of salad and potatoes is fantastic.

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