Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sleepy and sore.

05 04 12

My need to check the back of every food packet I pick up is becoming an annoying compulsion. I've even read the nutritional content of bottled water.

Questions from work mates still abound. "What's in my croissant?" "Do you want my BLT? LOL!" "Are you sick? Is that why you're on a diet?"

I'm a little surprised people are so interested. Up until now I've given no thought to the reasons behind any of my vegan friends dietary decisions. I've just assumed it's because they're hippies. I think it's The Chemical Maze that has people curious. As a novelty, it's fun to find out what all the numbers in your food mean. As a person doing it incessantly for 5 days, it's already becoming tedious.

We're getting ready to head off for our Easter weekend and my stomach starts to ache. I have an inkling it's all the dried apricots I scoffed today. The feeling is akin to how your stomach feels when you eat something just as you're getting gastroenteritis. This is a not normal and I feel awful.

I was prepared for tiredness, aching muscles, and bad skin (while my body "pushes out the toxins from animal products" ha ha ha) But this is miserable. I whinge for the entire 5 hour trip.

Am I becoming grumpier already? Till now I'd put the tiredness down to a late night on Monday (Wrestlemania!) and the end of daylight-savings. Could it be that the first signs of withdrawal are setting in?

Hopefully uninterrupted sleep and no work for four days sees me wake in a better mood. If not, I'm pretty sure I'll be getting my Easter treats a couple of days early ;)

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