Saturday, April 21, 2012

Smell you later.

12 04 12

Much to my dismay, in an unhappy coincidence it would appear that my bean and soy upsurge has correlated with an increased sensitivity to my sense of smell.

I've always had a strong sense of smell - and trust me, it's been more of a curse than a blessing over the years.

This is a negative for two (pretty obvious) reasons.

1) With the man of the house not doing the vegan thing, I'm subjected to all manner of mouth watering amazingness; bacon being a regular feature.

 2) As a grateful opposite to my Star Nosed Mole like sense of smell, I've never been a very "windy" person; until now.

Damn you lentils and chick-peas. Your mostly unenjoyable lack of taste* and pasty consistency has not only cursed me with  a bland diet, but I'm now suffering from another terribly unattractive feature. Between that, my grumpy demeanor and my current awful skin break-out I'm feeling like a total Ugly Betty, which is only compounding my vegan misery. (Yeah, yeah. I chose this First World Problem. Poor widdle me)

Good thing I work in a cheese factory.

*If you are a regular consumer of legumes and you disagree with this statement, before you start with me about how lentils and chick-peas are "super tasty!" I need you to remember you're probably adding a sh*t load of flavour to your pea/bean based meal before you eat it. MEAT IS TASTY ON IT'S OWN, DAMN IT!

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