Thursday, April 26, 2012

"A month? I give you two weeks, tops!"

15 04 12

Resolve is a funny thing.

After Friday night was such a success, a quiet Saturday was decided upon. The plan was to make a small appearance at a sporting break-up and head home for food and sleep.

This is always how the BEST nights begin.

Despite my efforts at reminding myself I'm not 20 anymore; beer was purchased - then it was ON.

I'm very good at drinking games that require maintaining co-ordination, but the drinking gods always level the field when it comes to games that require luck.

Mexi is not my friend.  In fact, Mexi is the worst kind of friend. The meaner Mexi is to me, the more I want to play.

After having far too good of a time for far longer than intended, I inevitably find myself in front of the fridge, wondering what I can eat that's carb-heavy, tasty, and FAST.

I can't think of any time when we've had no meat in the fridge. Pepperoni and ham are ALWAYS in the fridge. Then there's the usual left-over whatevers from last night; and I don't need to remind you about the cheese.

So I stand there, for the second night in a row, gawking aimlessly at the forbidden foods. I'm told I muttered something about a useless diet, then proceed to get Marmite on my robe. 

The moral of this story?

No. I'm not 20 anymore, but I'm still capable of making the ridiculous decisions a 20 year old can......

......except when it comes to breaking resolutions. I'm over 2 weeks in now and I shunned meat while intoxicated, and while I'm thus far hating this "lifestyle choice". 

Resolve is a funny thing. I'm dedicated to something I hate.

I'm sure this is how Catholics must feel.

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