Sunday, April 15, 2012

It's pronounced vEgan.

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I remember being corrected on my pronunciation by a vEgan, once. At the time I rolled my eyes and laughed. Then I turned the conversation to how I don't trust people who don't like the smell of bacon. In my defense, she was one of the sanctimonious variety who had berated the meat eaters all night - and we were at a BBQ!

But she does have a point. It's vEgan. Not Vay-gin.

Maybe it's the bad mood, but it's one of many things that is starting to irritate me; not least of which is the morphing of my identity from "Hollie" to "Hollie The Vegan". This probably wears off after people are vegans for a while. I can only hope so. I'm sure some people like the attention being a vegan brings them; but I am finding it tedious.

It's becoming my marker. That thing I'm known for. Everyone I know asks "How's the vegan thing?" and when I meet new people, someone immediately blurts out "she's vegan!" (or more often "vAgan!") and the questions begin.

There's more to be thought on about the whole contrary for attention angle. But for today, I'm just happy knowing there's less than 20 days left.

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